
This is a list of side projects I use for learning and practicing new tech stuff.


    The website you are using was created with NextJS.

  • pushdev

    Web development bootcamps for beginners.

  • Worki

    Web and mobile app for finding job opportunities (Flutter + SpringBoot).

  • Movies App

    Check the current movies with this app created with Flutter.

  • Same Game robot automation

    This Robot solves the Same Game boards.

  • Deploy your first website

    Deploy your first website with Firebase. We are going to use Firebase, Travis, Nodejs and GoDaddy like tech tool.

  • JavaScript Design Patterns

    JavaScript Design Patterns implementations.

  • Trello

    Trello Clone created with React and TypeScript.

  • Star+

    Star+ website clone with NextJS.

  • AdventJS

    AdventJS Solutions (2021 and 2022).

  • Naval Battle

    Naval Battle arcade game development with C++.

  • JaveCoin

    Banking portal where the clients manage a virtual currency called JaveCoin. The project was developed using PHP and MySQL.

  • Distributed Systems

    File management, concurrency control, transactional management and recovery from failures by using Java.

  • Operating Systems

    Minishell development with C.

  • Space X Launches

    Use NextJS and GraphQL for fetching and rendering the latests Space X launches.

  • Pokedex

    Fetch Pokemon data through React Redux and React Router.

  • Game Development with Assembly

    Concentration Game developed with Assembly.

  • Moramia

    Project carried out with PushDev and its students. The goal was to build a website with a shopping cart using JavaScript, HTML, SCSS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Google Cloud.

  • Web Services

    Project carried out in the Web Services subject. It was developed using SOAP and REST for the publication of hotels, transportation, and food services. The backend was developed with Django and Frontend with Angular.

  • Get Domain data

    Get domain metadata through a Vue frontend and a GO backend.

  • Healthy Routine

    The application is focused on the publication of healthy diets and routines. It was developed using the SCRUM methodology. The tech tools were Ionic and Firebase.